The Cloud Machine

2015 Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm and FoST New York.

(Concept, Design, Direction) 

Opening at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 2015, Stockholm and at Future of Storytelling festival, Staten Island New York. A social sculpture, and audience generated 3D-projected digital cloud.  Programming architecture: Ricardo Atienza. Produced by FMR prod. 

Created with Leif Jordansson (Music) and Nils Fridén (video). 


A cloud arises out of thin air, shimmers and floats freely in the room. It talks and calls for attention. Handheld palm readers trace the audience’s state of mind and send the information back to the cloud, which responds eagerly. This self-influencing system feeds the machine with emotion and spirit. The séance can begin. The piece plays with the human mind and it’s peculiarities, emerging as a cloud created by the audience members themselves. This 3D projected social sculpture brings together cinema, theatre and visual art, inspired by the illusionist spectacles and séances of the 19th century.

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The Air Loom :: Installation


Earthwork :: Film